Word list

Bold, not bold.

This list explains what the bold words in this document mean.

Montage of three images. The first is an accessible car park outside a building, the second is two women shaking hands, the third is the information icon.


If something is accessible, everyone can use it.

This might be:

  • a place or a building
  • a service
  • information.

A map of Australia with an Aboriginal dot pattern and hand prints. There are dots for the Torres Strait Islands.

First Nations

First Nations people are also known as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Parliament House, book and question mark icons.


An Inquiry is a way for governments to:

  • look at a problem
  • try to find solutions.

Montage of two images. The first is a man reading a document, the second is a woman writing on a clipboard.


Literacy is reading and writing.